Monday, September 28, 2015

Vitamin D & Dementia


42% of Americans have low vitamin D levels. In addition to bone health, vitamin D also helps the brain, cognitive function and dementia. Learn how.

About 42 percent of the general U.S. population has low vitamin D levels. In addition to promoting calcium and bone health, vitamin D may also affect the brain and cognitive function. A new study by JAMA Neurology looked at the association between baseline vitamin D levels and the rate of cognitive decline in a group of ethnically diverse older adults.

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The Study

A researcher from Rutgers University, along with colleagues from the University of California Davis, studied 382 older adults with an average age of 75. Among the group, 61 percent of participants were women, 41 percent white, about 30 percent were African American and 25 percent were Hispanic. At study enrollment, about 18 percent had dementia, 33 percent had mild cognitive impairment and half were cognitively normal.

Vitamin D levels and cognitive function were measured at baseline. Cognitive function was also followed in 318 of the participants for an average of 5 years.


Researchers found:
  1. About 60% of the group, regardless of their race or ethnicity, was low in vitamin D.
  2. Vitamin D levels were lower for African American and Hispanics, compared with their white counterparts.
  3. Participants in the dementia group had lower vitamin D levels compared with the mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normal groups.
  4. Rates of decline in episodic memory and executive function among vitamin D deficient and vitamin D insufficient participants were greater than those with adequate vitamin D status after adjusting for a variety of patient factors
  5. Vitamin D status was not significantly associated with decline in semantic memory or visuospatial ability.
The authors note limitations to their study including the inability to directly measure dairy intake, sun exposure or exercise, each of which can influence vitamin D levels.


The study results show that Vitamin D insufficiency was associated with significantly faster declines in both episodic memory and executive function performance, which may correspond to elevated risk for Alzheimer's dementia.

The encouraging fact is, Vitamin D insufficiency is medically correctable. Ask your doctor.

  • The JAMA Network
    The Journal of the American Medical Association


  1. Makes you wonder if the increase in dementia and alzheimer's began after we were told to stay out of the sun and use sunscreen so much.

  2. In 1998 the Nobel prize was awarded to 3 American researchers for their discovery of Nitric Oxide (NO), a natural gas that the body produces to relax the smooth muscle of the arteries, also acts as an anti-oxidant, and as an anti inflammatory agent in the body...Improving blood flow, and supporting the Cardiovascular system, supporting the flow of blood and nutrients, AND oxygen rich blood all around the body.

    Whilst Nitric Oxide is known specifically for supporting and aiding Cardiovascular health ( helped me come off high BP medication -Ramapril) The benefits of using Nitric Oxide boosting supplements may benefit brain health (better supply of oxygen rich blood..for starters). Recommended reading "NO more heart disease-how Nitric Oxide can prevent, Even reverse, Heart Disease and strokes" by Dr Louis J. Ignarro, Check on amazon.
    Niric Oxide Therapy fixed me up, my grandad died of a heart attack, my dad had a heart transplant aged 39, and I HAD high BP issues at aged 45. I now work in the business, marketing a NO product (I'm not here 2 sell). Lots of products out there, some even money back guarantees as well if you don't feel a benefit in 90 days, so d0 your own due diligence, and check out the background science. M


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