Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How Axona Milkshakes Help in Alzheimer's

A package of AxonaVIDEO & ARTICLE:

Axona® is an FDA-Approved medical food that offers MCTs in a concentrated milkshake powder. MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) are the dementia-fighting ingredient in coconut oil and other foods. See how MCTs can help dementias such as Alzheimer's.

About 5.2 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. The underlying cause of this disease is not fully understood and current treatments are only moderately effective, leaving millions without hope of meaningful improvement.

Axona®, a medical food designed for the clinical dietary management of the metabolic processes associated with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease, represents a novel therapeutic option.

Research has expanded our knowledge of disease biology, resulting in new, therapeutic strategies.

Neuron and its supportive structures The development of Axona® leverages findings about glucose hypo-metabolism and its role in Alzheimer's.

Glucose transport in the brainThe human brain is one of the most metabolically active organs in the body. Under normal conditions, it relies almost exclusively on glucose for fuel.

Glucose transporter proteinGlucose is transported across the blood-brain barrier into cells by specialized facilitative transporter proteins.

MitochondrionMost of the glucose absorbed is oxidatively metabolized for Adenosine-Triphosphate, or ATP, synthesis. This fuels basic cellular functions and synaptic activity.

A prominent and well-characterized feature of Alzheimer's disease is a progressive region-specific decline in cerebral glucose metabolism. Glucose hypo-metabolism can lead to low ATP levels and loss of synaptic function.

Inactive neuronAlthough the brain cannot use most of the usual alternative energy sources, it can use ketone bodies. Therapeutic agents that are metabolized to form ketone bodies can enhance ketone-body blood-levels.
Axona® is absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract after oral administration and is metabolized by the liver into ketone bodies, which are released into the bloodstream for use by brain cells.

Ketone bodies in circulatory system

Ketone bodies leave the circulation, cross the blood-brain barrier, and enter the neuron, where they are metabolized, to provide energy.

Ketone bodies can provide up to 60% of the energy requirements of neurons, even if glucose is present.

Beta-Hyroxybutyrate (BHB) is a ketone body. Only 3 steps are used to metabolize BHB into acetyl-CoA, which enters the citric acid cycle, culminating in ATP production.

Converting BHB to ATPNerve impulses can now be successfully transmitted across the synapse.

This illustrates that a ketone-body-derived energy source can return the hypo-metabolic neurons to a functional state.

Discover Axona®, a medical food intended for the clinical dietary management of the metabolic processes associated with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease. Axona® is medical-food for thought.


  1. I have been diagnosed with FTD, behavioral variant, Pick's. I have been taking Axona for approximately two months. My family has noticed a difference and, although I still have many struggles, I also feel a difference in my mental clarity and mental energy. Do you have any information on others with FTD using Axona? Does it make sense that it is helping me?

  2. My husband has younger-onset Alzheimer's and has lost a lot of weight and muscle tone. And it's not because he doesn't eat. It's as though the disease has set his metabolism into overdrive. After reading about Axona more than a year ago, I fconvinced his doctor to let us give it a go. Four months later--nothing. No cognitive improvement, no weight gain--nada. We gave it up.

  3. My wife, aged 57, was diagnosed with FTD, based on PET scans showing a progressive hypo-metabolism in her thalamus and frontal lobes. These diagnoses are difficult and her neurologist describes it as cortical basal syndrome. It is mostly an impairment to executive function (self direction). Her memory is still quite good. She has been taking Axona for a year. I noticed a significant improvement in energy and cognitive function when she started the Axona. Over time, her condition has progressed gradually, and I would say after a year, she is at about the same point cognitively, where she was before she started the Axona, She is much less physically active now than a year ago, and although she has gained about 20 pounds in a year, her doctor attributes the weight gain to her reduced physical activity, not so much to the Axona. In my (non-medical) judgement, Axona gave her a short term cognitive boost, but I don't think it can stop the decline. Her doctor isn't inclined to stop the Axona at this point. I wish you good luck.


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