Monday, February 8, 2016

7 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's

Cinnamon sticks & cinnamon powder (Photo: & TRANSCRIPT:

The best way to defeat Alzheimer's is to prevent it. See 7 habits associated with lower risk.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, accounting for between 50 and 80 percent of all cases.

Researchers are closer than ever to finding a cure, but sometimes prevention is the best medicine.

There are some easy things you can do to prevent developing Alzheimer's:

  1. Add cinnamon to your diet – consuming a teaspoon of this spice has been shown to block the production of proteins in the brain that contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's.
  2. Drink apple juice – it boosts the production of a chemical compound in the brain associated with learning, memory, mood and muscle movement.
  3. Drink coffee – it acts as an anti-inflammatory that can block cholesterol buildup in the brain. One large study showed that men and women who drank three to five cups of coffee a day reduced their chances of dementia by 65 percent.
  4. Socialize more – studies show that a busy social life can improve your cognitive abilities.
  5. Protect your vision – your eyes are a good indicator of how your brain is functioning. Preserving your vision can actually cut your dementia risk by 63 percent.
  6. Meditate – this will lower your blood pressure and reduce stress, and it increases blood flow to the brain, which is why researchers believe it helps us retain mental acuity as we age.
  7. Eat a Mediterranean diet – a diet rich in leafy greens, fish, fruit, nuts and a little red wine can cut your dementia risk in half because it's chock full of brain-protecting antioxidants.
Taking steps to prevent dementia now will help cut your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease as you age.



  1. Thanks for the pointers. Just wondering--how do you protect your vision? Wear sunglasses? A few of the smartest people I know are blind, come to think of it. :)

    1. They most likely mean to maintain good eyecare and an updated prescription for glasses. When people cannot hear well or see well, a number of studies have shown that they deteriorate in many ways. They become less social, less interactive, read less, etc., which are all bad for the brain. By getting good glasses and a good hearing aid, a lot of other brain-and-body functions get to be at their best.

  2. I have had Alzheimer's for about 5 years and I am still in the early stage. Although I eat a reasonably healthy diet, I don't meditate nor do I drink orange juice. I never have more than one cup of coffee a day (usually less) and my socialization is limited. I do manage a teaspoon of cinnamon (in my coffee and oatmeal) about five days a week. Also, about a year ago I lost the vision in one eye (retinal occlusion).

    Most of my Friends and relatives, and even acquaintances who are very familiar with this disease, find it hard to believe that I have Alzheimer's. My wife, however, who sees the results of my short, short term memory loss, knows it.

    My wife, who is a RN, and I both agree that the slow progress of my Alzheimer's is in a large part due to my four-year regimen of walking. For the first 3 1/2 years I averaged an hour/day and now I do 45 minutes a day five days a week. In addition to the walking I have made it a practice to keep my brain active in various ways.

    I an writing all of this because I find it difficult to understand why walking and brain stimulation were not included the article "Ways to Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's".
    The importance of these have been proven in several studies.
    For the past few years I have been on a one-man campaign to convince people I know (or meet) to: WALK, STIMULATE THEIR BRAIN, and EAT A HEALTHY DIET to either delay the onset of Alzheimer's or (with an early diagnosis) to slow down its' progress. This may not work for everyone but it has for me.

    By the way, I believe that the seven ways that you covered would definitely be beneficial but even more so with the walking and brain stimulation.

    Thank you for publishing Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly.

    James Hamon
    Gainesville, Florida


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